University Services

Department, Collage, and University Services

  1. Primary Unit Committee (PUC) Member for reviewing tenure and promotion in ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, (August 2024 - present).
  2. Chair of the Diversity Inclusive and Equity (DIE) Committee, College or Engineering and Applied Science (EAS), University of Colorado, (December 2022 – present).
  3. Chair of the Faculty Search Committee for a tenure-track faculty hire for communications and wireless systems, ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, (May 2024 – April 2025).
  4. Chair of the Instructor Search Committee for an IRC faculty hire for cdigital design, microprocessor systems, and computer architecture, ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, (July 2023 – December 2024).
  5. Chair of the Faculty Search Committee for two tenure-track faculty hires for communication, wireless systems, and digital signal processing, ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, (July 2022 – April 2024).
  6. Chair of ABET Assessment Committee, ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Spring, USA, 2021-present.
  7. Faculty Assembly Committee Member, Office of Chancellor and Provost, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, USA, 2018-present.
  8. COVID Impact Recommendations Taskforce Member , University of Colorado Colorado Springs, USA, February 2021-present.
  9. IASP Working Group Committee Member , Faculty Assembly Women's Committee, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, USA, April 2021-present.
  10. Honors Program Application Review Committee Member, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, USA, January 2021-present.
  11. Diversity Council Member, Collage of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, USA, Jan. 2019-2022.
  12. Organized the ECE Workshops for high-school students Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, USA, 2021.
  13. Faculty Search Committee Member for the New Power Systems faculty Hire in Computer Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, USA, 2020-2021.
  14. Grievance Committee Member Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, USA, 2020-present.
  15. Faculty Search Committee Member for the New Power Systems faculty Hire in Computer Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, USA, 2019-2020.
  16. Instructor Search Committee Member for the New Digital/Microprocessor Design Instructor in Computer Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, USA, 2019-2020.
  17. Faculty Advisor for the IEEE Student Branch at UCCS, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA. 2014-present.
  18. Graduate Studies Committee Member , Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA, 2017-present.
  19. Participated in Open House for EAS College, and performed demonstrations of Embedded Systems and FPGA Design Projects during the Open House, 2014-present.
  20. Faculty Search Committee Member for the New Computer Engineering Faculty Hire in Computer Architecture, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA, 2017-2018.
  21. ABET EE faculty Committee Member for BSCPE Program, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA, 2016-present.
  22. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Member , Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA, 2014-2017.
  23. Judge at the IEEE Design Competition, IEEE Student Branch, University of Victoria, BC, Canada, March 2011.
  24. Volunteer for Women in Engineering & Computer Science at University of Victoria, BC, Canada, 2004 - 2008.

Chair of IEEE Faculty Advisors/Mentors for the IEEE Student Branch at UCCS

See pictures of some of our IEEE Student Branch activities in here

  1. Organized an IEEE student branch activity "IEEE Student and Faculty Mixer", in Fall 2024.
  2. Organized an IEEE student branch activity to educate students about IEEE, and to get ideas about what we do, etc. in Spring 2024.
  3. Organized an IEEE Student Branch event on "Professor Talks", six ECE professors gave talks on their research, 27th April 2023.
  4. Organized an IEEE Student Branch event with the "IEEE Pikes Peak Local Chapter", in October 2022.
  5. Organized an IEEE Student event with a local company "Zeta Associates", to give a presentation titled "Error-Control Codes for Short Messages", 11th November 2021.
  6. Gave a talk at the IEEE Student event. Title of my talk was "FPGA-Based Architectures and Techniques for Compute and Data Intensive Applications", November 2019.
  7. Organized an IEEE Student event to "meet and greet" with fellow IEEE students and Engineering and Computer Science Students, May 2019.
  8. Organized an IEEE Student event with a local company "Radiation Test Solutions" to give a presentation, February 2019.
  9. Organized IEEE Student Branch elections to nominate/elect new executive committee on 5th April 2018.
  10. With the IEEE Local Chapter in Colorado Springs, organized IEEE USA President's talk at UCCS on IEEE day, 6th October 2015.

Faculty Advisor for the following Senior Design Projects

  1. Embedded HVPS Controller, Sponsored by ThermoFisher Company, in 2021-22.
  2. Secure Remote Monitoring, Sponsor Sierra Nevada Corporate, in 2019-20.
  3. Computing Systems for Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Project, Sponsored by Cheyenee Mountain Zoo, in 2017-18.
  4. Keysight Test Bench Proposal, Sponsored by Keysight, in 2017.
  5. PCA Design Process Improvement, Sponsored by RT Logic, in 2016-17.
  6. Minion RISC Microprocessor Design, Sponsored by Microsemi, in 2016.
  7. Household Senor Network, in 2015.
  8. Embedded Systems Design for a UAV, in 2015.
  9. Eight-Inch Floppy Disk Drive Controller, in 2014-15.

Demo with my Senior Design Team in May 2018

Senior Design Team, Spring 2018

Demo with my Senior Design Team (All female) in December 2017

Senior Design Team, Fall 2017

Chair or Member of Ph.D. Dissertation and M.Sc. Thesis Committee

    In 2024

  1. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member for John Mortensen, "Reflection Type Phase Shifter with Commercial Tunable Capacitor for Phased Array Antennas", ECE Department, University of Colorado, PhD Comprehensive Exam on 13th December 2024.
  2. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Chair for Josh Vernon, "Matched Bandwidth Detection: Background, Modeling, and Implementation", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 12th December 2024.
  3. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Chair for Chris Tota, "Gated Recurrent Unit Neural Networks on FPGAs", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 2nd May 2024.
  4. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Aaron Pauls, "Model Predictive Control of a Two-Axis Symmetric Airframe", ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, 2nd May 2024.
  5. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member for Shafayath Mowla Anik, "Leveraging Access Patterns: Predicting Reuse Distance for Last-Level Cache Replacement", ECE Department, University of Colorado, PhD Comprehensive Exam on 25th April 2024.
  6. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Chair for David Abillar, "An FPGA-Based Linear Kalmann Filter for a Two-Phase Buck Converter Application", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 25th April 2024.
  7. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Josh Frisby, "Triboelectric Nanogenerator Optimization in Plastic Materials", ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, 1st April 2024.
  8. In 2023

  9. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Chair for Kevin Young, "GPS Signal Image Feature Extraction Using Embedded FPGA", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 5th December 2023.
  10. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member for Aloisio Kawakita de Souza, "Physics-Based Modeling, Estimation, and Control for Lithium-Ion and Lithium-Metal Batteries", ECE Department, University of Colorado, PhD Defense on 13th November 2023.
  11. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member for Arian Ahmadi, "Machine Learning Applications in Next-Generation Wireless Networks: From URLLC To Terahertz Communications", ECE Department, University of Colorado, PhD Defense, on 15th August 2023.
  12. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member for Aarushi Gupta, "Tunable Equalizers with Ferroelectric BST Tunable Capacitors to Improve Signal Integrity", ECE Department, University of Colorado, PhD Defense, on 13th April 2023.
  13. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Chair for Ian Atwell, "HDL Code Variation: Impact on FPGA Performance Metrics", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 16th March 2023.
  14. In 2022

  15. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member for Aloisio Kawakita de Souza, "Physics-Based Modeling, Estimation, and Control for Lithium-Ion and Lithium-Metal Batteries", ECE Department, University of Colorado, PhD Comprehensive Exam, on 1st December 2022.
  16. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Jared Smit, "Automatic Musci Mastering Using Deep Learning", ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, 10th November 2022.
  17. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member for Aarushi Gupta, "Tunable Equalizers with Ferroelectric BST Tunable Capacitors to Improve Signal Integrity", ECE Department, University of Colorado, PhD Comprehensive Exam, on 6th October 2022.
  18. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member for Saif S. Alotaibi, "Improving Human Sound Localization Through the Use of a Personalized Head-Related Transfer Function (HRTF) Based on Anthropometric Measurements", ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, PhD Defense, on 8th June 2022.
  19. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Zach Wiggins, "Hardware Implementation of a Model Predictive Control Algorithm for Charging Lithium-Ion Battery Cells", ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, 21st April 2022.
  20. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member for Erick Spory, "Improved Heat Removal of Electronic Power Devices Using Nano Composite Films as a Thermal Interface", ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, PhD Defense, on 14th April 2022.
  21. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member for Tanghid Ben Rashid, "A Wideband High-Power High-Efficiency GaN HEMT Doherty RF Power Amplifier for 5G Base Transceiver Station", ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, PhD Defense, on 8th April 2022.
  22. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member for Katrina Nesterenko, "Towards Autonomous Learning on an Embedded System: A Brief Overview of Embedded Systems and Rough Set Theory", CS Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, PhD Comprehensive Exam on 7th April 2022.
  23. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member for Arij Alfaidi, "Multi Authority Pairing Attribute Based Chameleon Hash Consensus (MAP-ABCHC) protocol and RTBF-Blockchain Graphs toward Private and Secure mHealth system", CS Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, PhD Defense, on 14th March 2022.
  24. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Chair for Jeremy Graf, "Optimizing Density-Based Ant Colony Stream Clustering Using FPGAs", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 10th March 2022.
  25. In 2021

  26. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member for Arij Alfaidi, "RTBF blockchain Graphs Implementation toward Private and Secure mHealth system", CS Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, PhD Comprehensive Exam on 1st November 2021.
  27. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Chair for Lidiya Pilli, "FPGA-based design for Viterbi Algorithm for Software-Defined Radio", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 29th April 2021.
  28. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Joshua Reed Chism, "Performance Characterization of Supervision on Knowledge Distillation", ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, 15th April 2021.
  29. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Chair for Srikanth Ramadurgam, "Optimized Embedded Architectures and Techniques for Machine Learning Algorithms for On-Chip AI Acceleration", ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, PhD Defense, on 12th February 2021.
  30. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Chair for Arkan Alkamil, "Dynamic Reconfigurable Architectures to Improve Performance and Scalability of Cryptosystems on Embedded Systems", ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, PhD Defense, on 5th February 2021.
  31. In 2020

  32. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member for Erick Spory, "Improved Heat Dissipation in Power Devices and VLSI Packaging", ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, PhD Comprehensive Exam on 17th December 2020.
  33. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member for Tanghid Ben Rashid, "A Highly Efficient Wideband GaN Doherty RF Power Amplifier for the Base Transceiver Station", EDE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, PhD Comprehensive Exam on 3rd December 2020.
  34. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Marina Villalba Carballo, "Accuracy-Aware Structured Filter Pruning for Deep Neural Networks", ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, 20th November 2020.
  35. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Chair for Anne K. Madsen, "Optimized Embedded Architectures for Model Predictive Control Algorithms for Battery Management Systems", ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, PhD Defense, on 28th August 2020.
  36. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Niccollo D. Lopez, "The Advancement of Hybrid CNC Machines in Modern Manufacturing", ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, 10th July 2020.
  37. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Brian Rowe, "Arduino-Based Water Tank Monitoring System and Pump Controller", ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, 11th May 2020.
  38. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Benjamin Watts, "Design and Implementation of an Embedded Feedback Controller for Helicopter Trim Control", ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, 24th April 2020.
  39. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Chair for Jordi Perera Miro, "FPGA-Based Accelerators for Convolutional Neural Networks on Embedded Devices", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 30th April 2020.
  40. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Chair for Arkan Alkamil, "Reconfigurable Architectures for Cryptographic Algorithms to Enhance Security on Embedded Devices", ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, PhD Comprehensive Exam on 16th April 2020.
  41. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Chair for Srikanth Ramadurgam, "Optimized FPGA-Based Hardware Accelerators and Techniques for Machine Learning Applications on Embedded Platforms", ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, PhD Comprehensive Exam on 16th April 2020.
  42. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member for Dubari Borah, "Differential Multiband Reconfigurable Filters for RF Front-End Applications", EDE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, PhD Defense, 2nd April 2020.
  43. Ph.D. Dissertation External Examiner for D. Anil Kumar, "3D Sign Language Machine Translation: A Kernel Based Approach", Biomechanics and Vision Computing Research Center, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KLEF (Deemed-to-be-University), Guntar, India, February 2020.
  44. In 2019

  45. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Chair for Laura Homet Garcia, "An FPGA-Based Hardware Accelerator for Sequence Alignment by Genetic Algorithm", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 16th December 2019.
  46. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member for Saif S. Alotaibi, "Improving Human Sound Localization Through the Use of a Personalized Head-Related Transfer Function (HRTF) Based on Anthropometric Measurements", ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, PhD Comprehensive Exam, on 16th December 2019.
  47. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Chair for Anne K. Madsen, "Embedded Architectures for Model Predictive Control Algorithms for Battery Management Systems", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, PhD Comprehensive Exam on 5th December 2019.
  48. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member for Yousef Alsahafi, "Robust Fine-Grained Object Classification in Video Domain", CS Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, PhD Defense on 26th November 2019.
  49. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for David Serrano Salvador, "Wireless Energy Harvesting Enhanced by SAW Resonator", ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, 11th November 2019.
  50. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Andrew Smith, "Real-Time Software Defined Radio Using Python and the RTL-SDR", ECE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, 11th April 2019.
  51. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member for Dubari Borah, "Multiband Reconfigurable Balanced Filters for RF Applications", EDE Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, PhD Comprehensive Exam, 7th March 2019.
  52. In 2018

  53. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member for Yousef Alsahafi, "Robust Fine-Grained Object Classfication in Videos", CS Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, PhD Comprehensive Exam, 26th November 2018.
  54. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Chair for Seyed Navid Shahrouzi, "Optimized Embedded and Reconfigurable Hardware Architectures and Techniques for Data Mining Applications on Mobile Devices", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, PhD Defense, 14th November 2018.
  55. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Justin Beavers, "Determination of Pristine Margin in F-RAM using the Sectional Shmoo", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 8th November 2018.
  56. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Kelly Modrick, "Hardware Acceleration Using the Xilinx PYNQ-Z1 Board", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 8th November 2018.
  57. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member for Adil Ahmed, "CHAINLETS: A New Descriptor for Detection and Recognition", CS Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, PhD Defense, 25th October 2018.
  58. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Megha Talikoti, "High Power Electronic Circuits", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 6th July 2018.
  59. Ph.D. Dissertation External Examiner for Taees Eimouri, "The Effect of Object Model Optimization on Application Performance", CS Department, University of New Brunswick, Canada, PhD Defense, 12th June 2018.
  60. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Chair for Seyed Navid Shahrouzi, "Optimized Embedded and Reconfigurable Hardware Architectures and Techniques for Data Mining Applications on Mobile Devices", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 26th April 2018.
  61. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member for Gustavo Florentino, "Model Predictive Control Implementations for Management of Lithium-ion Battery Cells and Packs Using Reduced-Order Elecrochemical Models", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, PhD Defense, 13th April 2018.
  62. In 2017

  63. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member for Gustavo Florentino, "Model Predictive Control Implementations for Management of Lithium-ion Battery Cells and Packs Using Reduced-Order Elecrochemical Models", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, PhD Comprehensive Exam, 8th December 2017.
  64. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Sarat Chandra Naga Sai Guttikonda, "Simulation of the Bilogical Neuron for Neuromorphic Computing", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 17th November 2017.
  65. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Ankitha Reddy Chikkaobal Reddy, "Automatic Irrigation System using FPGA", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 16th November 2017.
  66. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Chair for Mokhles Mohsin, "An FPGA-Based Hardware Accelerator for K-Nearest Neighbor Classification for Machine Learning", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 26 October 2017.
  67. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Abdulkader Fathalla, "Tunable Low Pass and High Pass Filter Using Varactor Diodes", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 21st July 2017.
  68. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Chair for Mong Tee Sim, "Interoperability between Operating Systems and Microprocessors on Embedded Platforms", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 11th April 2017.
  69. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Anand Sur, "Biometric Verification and Online Load Control System", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 10th April 2017.
  70. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Sai Theja Pothu, "ZIGBEE-Based Remote Control Automatic Street Light System", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 6th April 2017.
  71. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Bhagiradh Kantheti, "Smart Health Care System", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 6th April 2017.
  72. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Nikhil Thumburi Venkata Sai, "Monitoring and Controlling of Home Appliances Using ESP8266 WiFi", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 6th April 2017.
  73. In 2016

  74. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member for Adil Ahmad, "CHAINLETS: Towards Human Detection in Image", CS Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, PhD Comprehensive Exam, 15th December 2016.
  75. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Annanya Aella, "Emergency Alert with Location Tracking", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 5th December 2016.
  76. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Michael Zhang Li, "RISC-V Processor Implemented on an FPGA", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 22nd September 2016.
  77. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Nithesh Gollamudi, "Simulation Based Wireless Sensing of Temperatures Using Saw Sensors", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 2nd May 2016.
  78. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Chair for Harsha Sajja, "An Embedded Microprocessor-Based Design for a Medicine Reminder Box", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 11th April 2016.
  79. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Ahmed M. Aysawi, "Analysis and Design of Metamaterial and Ordinary Microstrip Patch Antenna", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 11th April 2016.
  80. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Chair for Ramprasad Raghavan, "A Fast and Scalable Hardware Architecture for K-Means Clustering For Big Data Analysis", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 8th April 2016.
  81. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Vinod Venkatesan, "Tunable Devices", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 8th April 2016.
  82. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Chair for Tanweer Saleem Baig, "An Embedded Systems Design for Biometric-Based Anti-Rigging Voting Scheme", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 4th April 2016. Tanweer is the recipient of the "Student Achievement Award" in 2016.
  83. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Chair for Kreshma K. Nair, "A Survey of Classification Algorithms in Data Mining", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 1st April 2016.
  84. In 2015

  85. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Satish Kumar Ramineni, "Face and Gesture Recognition Using Coherent Features of the Image", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 10th December 2015.
  86. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Ibrahim Al-Hurani, "Speculative Contention Avoidance in Software Transactional Memory Through Perceptrons and O-GEHL Predictors", Under supervision of Dr. Ehsan Atoofian, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada, 6th July 2015.
  87. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Ankita Jawaharlal-Chowdhary, "FPGA-Based Design for Finger-Print Scanner", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 13th April 2015.
  88. M.Sc. Thesis Committee Member for Murali Krishna Chebrolu, "In-Vehicle Road Sign Detection System with Vehicle Speed Control Base on RFID", ECE Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 9th April 2015.

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Last updated on 9th January 2025