Conference Participations from our EmSys Lab Group

We have been presenting and publishing our research at prestigious conferences. Brief description of some of these conference participations, within last few years, are as follows.

In 2023

Two of our papers are accepted at the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'23). (1) "A Systolic Array Architecture for SVM Classifier for Machine Learning on Embedded Devices", with my PhD student, Srikanth. (2) "Optimizing Density-Based Ant Colony Stream Clustering Using FPGA-Based Hardware Accelerator", with my MSc student, Jeremy. I was in Monterey, California (in May 2023), to present our papers and to serve as a session chair for two sessions on programmable hardware. It was very nice to meet with many colleagues from CAS society.(See pictures below).

In 2018

I am delighted to share this wonderful news. We won the Best Poster Paper Award at the International Symposium on HEART (Highly Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technology) 2018 in Toronto, Canada (19th-22nd June). This paper with my MSc Student Mokhles Mohsin is titled "An FPGA-Based Hardware Accelerator for K-Nearest Neighbor Classification for Machine Learning on Mobile Devices". Just came back from Toronto (22nd June), after attending the conference and presenting the paper. This pictures was taken during the Award Ceremony.

Came back from Florence, Italy (3rd June), attending the ISCAS'18 conference. I was there to accept my nomination for the VLSI Systems and Application Technical Committee (VSATC) of IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. This was taken during the VSATC committee meeting.

ISCAS'18, May 2018

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Last updated on 9th January 2025