Brief descriptions of the IEEE Student Branch activites that we did within last few years, are as follows.
We organized an IEEE Student Branch Event at UCCS, where six professors from our ECE Department gave presentations/talks about their research. This was on 27th April, 2023. (See pictures below).
We organized an IEEE Student Branch event on 6th October 2022 (at UCCS) in conjunction with the IEEE Pikes Peak Local Chapter. (See pictures below).
I gave a talk at the IEEE Student event in November 2019. Title of my talk was "FPGA-Based Architectures and Techniques for Compute and Data Intensive Applications. (See pictures below).
We organized an IEEE Student event in February 2019. A local company "Radiation Test Solutions" gave a presentation. (See pictures below).
IEEE Student Branch Election in April 2018
I am the Faculty Advisor for the IEEE Student Branch at UCCS. We just had the IEEE Student Branch Election on April 5th 2018, to nominate/elect the new Executive Committee.These are some pictures of this event.
Last updated on 16th June 2024